手机游戏> ARDOISESLATE> 游戏攻略

ARDOISE/SLATE est une application permet d'écrire et de dessiner comme sur les ardoises à craie à l'ancienne. Pour les enfants, elle leur permet d'exprimer leurs talents en écriture et en dessin facilement sans trop de difficultés. Très facile d'utilisation: rien apprendre pour son usage. SLATE is an application that allows you to write and draw like on old chalk slates. For children, it allows them to express their writing and drawing skills easily without much difficulty. Very easy to use: nothing to learn for its use. SLATE SLATE is an application allows you to write and draw like on old chalk slates. For children, it allows them to express their writing and drawing skills easily without much difficulty. Very easy to use: nothing to learn for its use. SLATE is an application that allows you to write and draw on old chalk slates. For children, it allows them to express their skills easily. Very easy to use: nothing to learn for its use.