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射手狂奔2怎么玩 Archer Dash 2玩法技巧分享
射手狂奔2怎么玩?有哪些玩法技巧呢?下面就分享Archer Dash 2玩法技巧给大家,希望这篇攻略对小伙伴们有所帮助。
《射手狂奔2Archer Dash 2》是一款怀旧复古的游戏,这一点从像素画面以及那熟悉的电子音乐就能判断出。而且整个游戏画面都只有墨绿色和黑色两种颜色,让人回想起儿时的掌机时代,那时不正玩着这类游戏度过童年的吗?游戏类型是常见的横版跑酷玩法,通过点击左右两边屏幕来控制跳跃,游戏舍弃了下滑和连跳一类的设定,加入了射击元素,拖动左边屏幕可控制角度和力度,射击障碍物。
BOSS战的时候,玩法就变得有点尴尬,双方站立不动,玩家要做的就是躲避飞来子弹或小兵,还要一边拉弓射BOSS。相对来说这样的BOSS战缺少一些动感,静止的画面让人觉得这场面不够“火爆”,没有大战的感觉。虽然如此,但BOSS战的难度并不低,既要一边应对小怪(火箭)的攻击,也要射中BOSS,没有一定的准度和稳定性就很容易game over,然后就从头再来。
Archer Dash
Can you do it?! Can you keep our hero alive as he runs through forest and field, with deadly spikes randomly appearing out of nowhere?! While trying to shoot at these random targets that just float in midair for no reason?!?! CAN YOU?!! Find out if you are better at it than everyone else by joining in on the fun and trying to top our leaderboards. Practice your video game archery skills (aka timing when to tap the screen skills) and shoot your way to the top by getting ridiculous bullseye streak bonuses. Archery, dashing, archery, dashing, more archery! It's insane how addicting and fun this game is, give it a download and leave a rating! Have fun trying to beat your friends in this fun and addictive endless runner!