Arcade Games Emulator supported by original MAME 0.37b5 plus some additional games from newer MAME versions. This version emulates over 2000 different romsets....
Arcade Games Emulator

Arcade Games Emulator supported by original MAME 0.37b5 plus some additional games from newer MAME versions. This version emulates over 2000 different romsets. Please, try to understand that that with that amount of games, some will run better than others and some might not even run with MAME4droid. Please, don't email me asking for a specific game to run. Owners of older devices should not expect good performance. Tips to help performance: use lower quality sound or switch it off, use 8 bit depth, underclock the CPU and Sound CPUs. Disable stick and buttons animations and disable ooth scaling also. After installing, place your MAME-titled zipped roms in /sdcard/ROMs/ArcadeEmu/roms folder. Features ------------ Support for 2.1 and upper Android devices. Native support for Android Honeycomb tablets. Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) 2D Hardware Accelerated. Autorotate. HW Keys remapping. Touch Controller can be shown/hidden. Smooth image. Overlay Filters, scalines, CRT.. Digital or Analog touch selectable. Animated touch stick or DPAD. Button Layout customizable control. iON's iCade and iCP (as iCade mode) external controllers supported. Wiimote support using WiiCrotroller Market app. Tilt Sensor as left/right. Local multiplayer. 1 to 6 buttons optionally shown. Options for video aspect ratio, scaling, rotate. Adjustable CPU, Audio clock. CONTROLS ----------- The emulator controls are the following ones: - Virtual pad: Movement in pad, mouse and analog control of the four players. - Buttons B,X,A,Y,L,R: Buttons A,B,C,D,E,F. - Button SELECT (Coin): Insert credits (UP+SELECT = 2P credits, RIGHT+SELECT = 3P credits, DOWN+SELECT = 4P credits). - Button START: start (UP+START = 2P start, RIGHT+START = 3P start, DOWN+START = 4P start). - Buttons L2: Exit to selection menu to select another game. - Buttons START+SELECT simultaneously: Access to the MAME menu. - Button R2: Open help, global settings. NOTE: To type OK when MAME requires it, press LEFT and then RIGHT. INSTALLATION --------------- After installing, place your MAME-titled zipped roms in /sdcard/ROMs/ArcadeEmu/roms folder. cheat.dat -> Cheats definition file hiscore.dat -> High Scores definition file artwork/ -> Artwork directory cfg/ -> MAME configuration files directory frontend/ -> Frontend configuration files hi/ -> High Scores directory inp/ -> Game recordings directory memcard/ -> Memory card files directory nvram/ -> NVRAM files directory roms/ -> ROMs directory samples/ -> Samples directory skins/ -> Frontend skins directory snap/ -> Screen snapshots directory sta/ -> Save states directory SUPPORTED GAMES ------------------ There are 2270 different supported romsets. Games have to be copied into the roms/ folder. MAME4droid LICENSE ------------------ The MAME4droid project is released under the GPL license. In addition you have some extra rights granted by a special license exception which allow you to link the MAME4droid GPL source with the not GPL MAME source. The exception also gives you the rights to eliminate it if you don't like it or if you want to include the MAME4droid source in another GPL program. So, MAME4droid is 100% GPL. You can more easily think at it as a sort of double license. A GPL or a GPL + exception. You have all the rights of the GPL, and, if you want, some others. The only limitation is for MAME4droid. MAME4droid cannot include external GPL source without the explicit permission of the source copyright holder.
Arcade Games Emulator游戏截图

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