Ants Run
◆操作は簡単! 画面右半分をタッチで右に回転、左半分タッチで左に回転、 天敵であるクモやアリジゴクを、簡単操作で巧みに避けて進もう! ◆どんどん増えるアリ! こんぺいとうを集めると新たなアリが誕生するよ! 増えれば増えるほどスコアの上昇率に倍率がかかるよ アリの行列を作ってどんどんスコアを稼ごう! ◆高いスコアを取るコツ 進めば進むほど難易度は上がっていくとともに貰えるスコアも上がっていくので、 敵の少ない序盤にアリを増やして、終盤までアリが多い状態を保つとたくさんスコアが稼げるよ! 目指せ日本一のアントマスター! フリーBGM・音楽素材MusMus ◆ operation is easy! Rotation to the right of the screen right half in touch, rotation to the left in the left half of touch, The spider and ant lion is a natural enemy, it will Susumo skillfully avoided with simple operation! ◆ rapidly increase ants! A new ant is born and collect Star Candy! It takes magnification to the rate of increase as more and score the more Earn more and more score to make the ants of the matrix! ◆ tips to take the high score Since the higher the degree of difficulty advances, it is going even up the score that Nowak with going up, And in the early stages of the few enemy increase the ants, earn a lot score and keep the state Ali is often up to the end! Aim Japan Ant master! Free BGM · music material MusMus