th - the 9th in our "focus" series! (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp & th)Shoot through the ring. Be precise.Just like other apps in our series, the more you get into each level, the more it changes. There are theoretically infinite ways you can complete each, it makes for great fun.You can also top the leaderboard and earn medals! (bronze, silver and gold). There's 75 levels to solve right now, intertwined with all sorts of tweaks and surprises. You can also go back and replay any level you've already passed, at any time (Choose Level). If you're stuck on a really tricky level, skip it! (Tap Skip on the Fail Screen) If you can't wait, unlock all 75 levels and replay at your own pace! (Choose Level > Unlock All Levels)Thanks for all your support, I hope your enjoying our "focus" series! 更新内容: 更稳定、更优质,邀您一起体验。