| 25.8M
Euchre is a four players games. The players are split into two teams of two players each.
Euchre is played with 24 cards Aces, Nines, Tens, Jacks, Queens and Kings from each suit are used in this game.
Each player receives five cards, and you play one card at a time.
The player who played the highest card in the suit wins the trick, unless some other player has played a trump card.
You win a hand and score points for winning three or more of the five tricks available. You get more points if you take all five tricks. The first team to reach 10 points wins the match.
You can choose to play Single in any hand, if you think that you have cards which are way better than others.
On completing the deal, the dealer turns the top card face up. Beginning with the player to the left of the dealer, each player passes or accepts by saying "I order it up” the face-up as trump. If face up suit is accepted as trump the dealer exchanges the face up card for another card in his hand.
If all four players pass in the first round, each player in turn, starting with the player to the dealer's left, has the option of passing again or of selecting the trump suit. If all players pass on this round as well then the deal is cancelled and cards are reshuffled and a new hand is dealt.
The team that chooses the trump is called Makers and the other team is the defender.
The player who sets trump is allowed to play alone. If a player chooses this his partner will put down his cards and not participate in the rest of that round.
The standard ranking order applies — within each suit, the ace is high, and 9 is the low.
The only exception to the normal ranking rules lies in the trump suit, which ranks as follows:
The highest trump card is the jack of the trump suit, the second-highest trump card is the other jack of the same-colour suit, The remaining five cards in the trump suit are the ace, king, queen, 10, and 9, ranking from highest to lowest in that order.
e.g. if club is selected as trump then Jack of Club is highest and Jack of Spades is second highest card then come the Ace, King, Queen, Ten and Nine of Club.
The Makers team wins three or four tricks in a hand they scores 1 point. If they get all five tricks scores 2 points.
If the makers fail score a point, the defenders score 2 points irrespective of whether they get three, four, or five tricks — they have euchred the makers.
However, the biggest score comes if you go Alone and make all five tricks you get 4 points.