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BrainOut is a workout for brain. Your workout equipments would obviously not be of gym type rather brain sharpeners ,that is , numbers and operators. Think you are good with the numbers and operators?May be......But how good are you combining the operators, that's what is tested here in The rules ????Too simple...Just make the Goal(number given in the circle) using the options(numbers and operators) but you can do max two operations.You know basic maths right..?So to make it more easy 2 minus 1, and ,1 minus 2 both gives 1..??...exactly.... no negative,use it as your strategy.Becoming top scorer?.....Make as many Goals you can BEFORE THE TIMER RUNS OUT.Think that's gonna get you high score..?...not that simple.., the points you get on getting goal will vary...Use two numbers(one operation), u get 5 points ...but use 3 numbers(two operations), what comes to you is double !!! And, if u have a division as an operator, there is a bonus of 5...to the normal points. Also more the goals higher will be reward means who knows your reward 5,10,15 changes to 20,30,40 or even more so keep on scoring more goals to get nitro over your scores. Time doesn't comes back ??...It does, each time you give a right answer, u get bonus time(Timer goes back).But, the bonus time you get decreases after your score reaches a number,,,the number??..that's for you to find. So good luck,Go and Work Out your brain,sharp your memory and boast over your score.