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Bocoran Soal Kuis Presiden Jokowi加速器游戏介绍
Bocoran Soal Kuis Presiden Jokowi加速器游戏简介
Pada kunjungan ke berbagai penjuru tempat di tanah air, Presiden Jokowi kerap mengadakan kuis bagi masyarakat. Mereka yang dapat menjawab dengan tepat akan mendapatkan hadiah dari RI 1 tersebut. Inilah beberapa pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan presiden kepada masyarakat: • Presiden kerap meminta masyarakat untuk menyebutkan lima sila Pancasila. Memang terlihat mudah tapi faktanya banyak yang gagal karena gugup. • Pertanyaan yang juga sering diulang-ulang oleh presiden di berbagai lokasi kunjungan adalah nama-nama suku di Indonesia. • Selain nama suku Presiden juga tak lupa bertanya tentang nama-nama pulau di Indonesia. • Masih terkait dengan tanah air kita, pertanyaan tentang provinsi di Indonesia juga tak ketinggalan. • Menyebutkan nama-nama ikan sering menjadi pertanyaan kuis Presiden bila tujuan kunjungan adalah ke kawasan pantai. Copyrights Infringement Notification If you believe that any content posted on the this games infringes copyright, you may send us a notification inlcuding all relevant information: Notification of copyright infringement Thanks Freepik, for the images asset! :D On visits to various places in the country, President Jokowi often hold a quiz for the community. Those who can answer correctly will get a gift from RI 1. Here are some of the questions that the president often asks the public: • The President often asks the community to name the five principles of Pancasila. It looks easy but in fact many who fail because of nervousness. • The question that is often repeated by the president at various locations of visits is the names of tribes in Indonesia. • In addition to the name of the tribe of the President also do not forget to ask about the names of the island in Indonesia. • Still related to our homeland, the question of the province in Indonesia is also not left behind. • Mentioning fish names is often a question of the President's quiz when the purpose of the visit is to the coastal area. Copyrights Infringement Notification If you believe that any content posted on the this game infringes copyright, you may send us a notification inlcuding all relevant information: Notification of copyright infringement Thanks Freepik, for the images asset! : D
Bocoran Soal Kuis Presiden Jokowi加速器介绍
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