4 in a row is a very simple and funny game. Connect 4 discs ! Don’t waste time looking for a better free 4 in a row game, this is the most elegant and performa...
4 in a row Multiplayer - Connect 4 discs !

4 in a row is a very simple and funny game. Connect 4 discs ! Don’t waste time looking for a better free 4 in a row game, this is the most elegant and performant on the Play Store. Play against a friend or try to beat the computer. ~ Features ~ • 4 difficulty levels – Easy, Medium, Hard and Insane ! • Multiplayer everywhere – Bluetooth, Wifi, Internet ! • Android Wear support ! ~ Details ~ • Single : Play alone on one device against the computer • Local : Try to beat a friend both on the same device • Bluetooth & WiFi : Play with someone in the same room or building • Internet : Play with friends or a stranger anywhere in the world ! ~ Rules ~ Two players take turns dropping their colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid. The objective of the game is to connect four of one's own discs of the same color next to each other vertically, horizontally, or diagonally before your opponent. The game is also known as Captain's Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Fourplay and Four in a Line
4 in a row Multiplayer - Connect 4 discs !游戏截图

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