Step on the accelerator but keep both your eyes on the streets, otherwise you will hit another car and instead of paying the parking ticket, you will have to af...

Step on the accelerator but keep both your eyes on the streets, otherwise you will hit another car and instead of paying the parking ticket, you will have to afford the hospital bill. Turn on the radio and handle your hand-wheel like a professional, avoiding the other vehicles that are already parked and of course. All of those obstacles intentionally left in front of you. There is a special parking lot somewhere and it is your goal, so it's a must to reach it before you run out of time, even if you have to waste all your fuel. The road isn't easy, but that is exactly what every driver needs to make sure they are able to park their own cars in both virtual and real life, where there won't be thousands of parking lots available when it's time to go to the supermarket or pay a visit to the bank. Arrows will guide you, but you are allowed to trust your own instinct if it's certain that the car won't end up crashed on a wall. Rush with your ride and arrive to take your son from the school before he starts asking the keys to drive himself alone. City parking 3D - feature list: - 36 different parking missions - Select music - Submit score to leaderboard - Never traveled by car on the train? Then try inside! - Real life parking situations - Very convenient control - New mission every 2 week - And more inside 踩油门,但保持两者你的眼睛,在街道上,否则你会打另一辆车和,而不是支付的停车票,你将不得不负担的医疗费用。打开收音机和处理你的手轮像一个专业的,避免那些已经停着,当然还有其他车辆。所有这些障碍,故意留在你的面前。有一个特殊的停车场的地方,这是你的目标,所以这是一个必须在运行的时间之前到达它,即使你有浪费您的所有燃料。道路是不容易的,但是这正是每一个驱动程序需要确保他们能够停放自己的汽车在虚拟和现实生活,在那里将不会有成千上万的停车场可用时,它的时间去超市或有机会参观到银行。箭头会引导你,但你可以相信自己的直觉,如果是肯定的是,该车将不会最终坠毁在墙上。急于与你的平顺性和到达把你的儿子从学校,他开始问的钥匙独自驾驶自己之前。 城市停车3D - 功能列表: - 36个不同的任务停车场 - 选择音乐 - 提交比分领先 - 不要开车上了火车旅行?然后尝试在里面! - 现实生活中的停车情况 - 非常方便的控制 - 新的任务每2周 - 而更多的内

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