How many words can you find within 180 seconds?Try it!You can please a simple game or against other player on the same board or you can use the puzzle mode to f...
180 Seconds

How many words can you find within 180 seconds?Try it!You can please a simple game or against other player on the same board or you can use the puzzle mode to find words with only a few characters available.Double words will not be accepted!Every letter has his own specific value. Always try to build large words with high-value letters. You will find the value in the lower right corner of the letter and the number of available letters for this type in the upper right corner.A all help mode is available in single-game classic mode. 7 seconds whithout input all not possible letters will be grayed out (see third screenshot)From version 0.0.5 you can play a match against another player (within the same selected language). Both of you will have the same characters and the same playfield. The main difference is, that words will only be counted once! (If Player #1 has used the word 'WATER', player #2 cannot use the word on his game). You will always see the scores of the remote player on your screen and if sounds are enabled, the system will inform you if you are better or not ;)
180 Seconds游戏截图

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