123/ABC Mouse - Fun learning mouse game for kids is an educational game for kids which will help them learn English preschool vocabulary with ease. Our 123/AB...
123/ABC Mouse - Fun learning mouse game for kids
123/ABC Mouse - Fun learning mouse game for kids is an educational game for kids which will help them learn English preschool vocabulary with ease. Our 123/ABC Mouse Teacher program is divided to several classes : - Alphabet : Learn the 26 letters of the alphabet - Numbers : Learn counting from 1 to 20 - Colors : 11 colors to learn (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Brown, Black, White, Gray) - Shapes : 12 shapes to learn (Circle, cross, diamond, heart, heptagon, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, rectangle, square, star, triangle) - Fruits : 16 fruits to learn (Apple, banana, blueberry, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, lemon, melon, orange, peach, pears, pineapple, plums, strawberry, watermelon) - Vegetables : 16 veggies to learn (Asparagus, bean, broccoli, carrot, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green onion, green pepper, lettuce, mushroom, onion, potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, tomato) - Animals : 24 animals to learn (Alligator, cat, chicken, cow, dog, donkey, elephant, fox, frog, giraffe, gorilla, hippo, horse, lion, monkey, pig, rabbit, rhino, sheep, snake, tiger, turkey, zebra) - Sea animals : 14 sea animals to learn (Clam, crab, dolphin, fish, jellyfish, lobster, octopus, seahorse, shark, squid, starfish, stingray, turtle, whale) - Transport : 16 vehicles to learn (Airplane, ambulance, bicycle, bulldozer, bus, car, dump truck, fire engine, helicopter, motorcycle, police car, rocket, ship, taxi, train, truck) If you're looking for keywords such as : 123 Mouse ABC Mouse ABC mouse app ABC mouse learning Baby mouse game Early learning game Mouse Game Then you can be interested to our 123/ABC Mouse, the art teacher who will shine your child day. #About us At Genius Kids Games, we build educational toddlers games to give your children the opportunity to learn, grow and become what they want! Our English learning games are designed for: - Babies, Kids and Preschoolers (2 - 5 years old) - Boys and Girls - School, Preschool and Nursery use - Suitable for auti / autistic children - Parents & Teachers We advise parents to add this abc mouse game into the kids mode to better manage your children apps access. We hope we'll contribute to your children blossoming and success. A word to parents with autistic kids: Auti is neither a disability nor a mental illness. Don't treat it differently. Developing English games for toddlers is our patience, we are always ready to help and are open to any suggestions. If you have any questions or requests, please contact us.
123/ABC Mouse - Fun learning mouse game for kids游戏截图
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