手机游戏>123/ABC Mouse - Fun educational game for Kids>电脑版下载
电脑版下载(在电脑上玩123/ABC Mouse - Fun educational game for Kids)
"123/ABC Mouse" is an educational game for kids carefully designed to help them learn English preschool vocabulary with ease. The 123/ABC Mouse game offers many sections : - Alphabet : Learn the 26 letters of the alphabet - Numbers : Learn counting from 1 to 20 - Colors : 11 colors to learn (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Brown, Black, White, Gray) - Shapes : 12 shapes to learn (Circle, cross, diamond, heart, heptagon, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, rectangle, square, star, triangle) - Fruits : 16 fruits to learn (Apple, banana, blueberry, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, lemon, melon, orange, peach, pears, pineapple, plums, strawberry, watermelon) - Vegetables : 16 veggies to learn (Asparagus, bean, broccoli, carrot, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green onion, green pepper, lettuce, mushroom, onion, potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, tomato) - Animals : 24 animals to learn (Alligator, cat, chicken, cow, dog, donkey, elephant, fox, frog, giraffe, gorilla, hippo, horse, lion, monkey, pig, rabbit, rhino, sheep, snake, tiger, turkey, zebra) - Sea animals : 14 sea animals to learn (Clam, crab, dolphin, fish, jellyfish, lobster, octopus, seahorse, shark, squid, starfish, stingray, turtle, whale) - Transport : 16 vehicles to learn (Airplane, ambulance, bicycle, bulldozer, bus, car, dump truck, fire engine, helicopter, motorcycle, police car, rocket, ship, taxi, train, truck) If you're looking for keywords such as : 123 Mouse Free ABC Mouse ABC mouse app ABC mouse learning Baby mouse game Early learning game Mouse Game Then you can be interested to our 123/ABC Mouse, the art teacher who will shine your child day.