It has been only 13 days since the 1st infection but the world is already falling apart. Those who fall victim to the infection join the horde of zombie apocaly...
Zombie District
It has been only 13 days since the 1st infection but the world is already falling apart. Those who fall victim to the infection join the horde of zombie apocalypse while those whose not are evacuated to remote places. You find yourself stranded in an already dead city. The people there are either already evacuated, or became zombie The good news, they are kind enough to leave their weapon caches hidden in safehouse. The bad news, they only allow weapons to be used only by those who's good at shooting zombies... Well, bad news for the zombies at least... Features : *[NEW] 3rd Tier Secondaries *[NEW] Dusk, Day, Dawn and Night Cycle *Emergency Box, request additional BP & XP, or Survival Kit, or Demolition Kit to help your escape from the undead city *Shotguns, for more upclose and personal zombie shooting experience *Watch for the new Smogger zombie *Unlock OUTFITS by mastering SKILLS. Outfits have their own unique perk *Unlock more powerful specialized Tier 3 Weapons. * Shoot your way through a countless levels filled with zombies. Run through deserted buildings, streets filled with hastily abandoned cars and claustrophobic sewer maze. * Unlock, buy, and customize your favorite guns to keep the zombies at bay * Unique control scheme giving you a full control of character without having cluttered UI. * Zombies that behave, not just bullet sponge undeads. * Streamlined UI, menus and GUI are integrated into the game world, not some separated game breaking screen
Zombie District游戏截图
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遥远星尘 来自于 九游APP 2019-12-21 09:33
本来想发图的,但是没看到哪里可以发。游戏刚刚开始,差点被这奇葩的控制方式给劝退,不过习惯后就觉得还行。按住一段时间可以瞄准射击。狙是按住后一段时间再按住一段时间会进入狙击的镜头。按键模式有BUG,瞄准走位都有问题,贴墙时那个方向键和瞄准键会漂到屏幕边,不贴墙了问题依旧,控制起来极度难受。 这游戏有爆头设定,但是有时感觉瞄准了,但是不爆头,是因为僵尸在走动中,头部也会有些微偏移,在近距离时瞄准头顶后爆头率大增,后期用狙,远距离爆头需要相应抬高(例:远距离有僵尸,瞄准僵尸头顶后还要在抬高一点距离才可能爆头)。 这个游戏有技能设定,但是必须选择该技能,技能才会生效,只能生效选中的这个。技能可以升级,升级满(10级)可以解锁衣服,目前也就补血套(护士装)和装蛋套(快速装填的,抹胸短裙)、扔远套(红色旗袍)可以看看,不过女主的模型并不好看,所以衣服也没啥用,装备后套装效果会生效,装蛋套比较实用,毕竟当主武器没蛋了,就只能用副武器,子蛋无限,但是要换蛋。其他的套装我不喜欢,但是效果也还行。 有些技能初期是没有的,后期升满某些技能会解锁新的技能。枪初期也就那几把,枪有挑战任务,完成后可以解锁新的枪(仍然需要购买),但是如果到了这个系列武器的最终版(最终版武器一般任务为击杀150,爆头75)就不会解锁了。初期还有下水道关卡,玩到后期只有城市街道地图了。 关于敌人,要注意蹲着的那种,特别不容易注意,有个喷蜘蛛网的,会慢慢过来,25经验和25钱的。这个一个的话,不难。还有个会蹦的那个10经验和10钱,近身就比较烦,因为头部不好瞄,会被扑上来,这时对着屏幕狂点才能解脱,但是一会又会扑上来,比较让人头疼。其他都是慢慢走过来的,可以中距离解决。 在街道上注意下有些门,门后藏着僵尸(可以贴近门右侧的墙边,主角向左旋转视角可以看到墙内的情况,但是只能观察女主视角右边的墙,墙在左边,没法观察到。贴墙时有可能被僵尸发现,可以穿墙攻击到你,你可攻击不到它,除非用RPG,后期可以解锁,还是手枪),就怕瞄的好好的,背后被突然袭击。 说到RPG(POCKET GL,打一枪就要换蛋),哪把枪解锁不知道,反正都解锁了,所以搞不清楚了。但是要注意此枪敌我不分,近距离都会有损伤,但是远距离,呵呵那个伤害真的爽,可以炸一片还全没了。可惜有BUG,或者说手误会误碰开枪到地上,然后女主被炸了,炸到后面只能重新开始。解决方