Join Timo’s journey travelling through fantastic books in order to find his dad in this point and click adventure. Use the items from the 5 books to solve puzzl...
Timo The Game

Join Timo’s journey travelling through fantastic books in order to find his dad in this point and click adventure. Use the items from the 5 books to solve puzzles that can be solved in many different ways. In the game, winner of the contest K.O. HQ 2017 by Spcine, the main character Timo, just like his father, has the power to travel through books. One day, Timo wakes up only to find out that his dad is missing. He decides then to go on an adventure to find him, exploring many different worlds on each book he visits. On his path, Timo will face many challenges and enemies, but will also meet great friends and allies. The first two books are part of the game’s free pack. In order to play the other three books, the player needs to buy the full version. The game features: ✨ 5 worlds based on book genres, with sceneries created my Raul Aguiar, Timo’s HQ artist and writer.; ✨ Simplified UI: Timo carries around one item at time ✨ 22 items with special characteristics to solve the puzzles ✨ 30 puzzles with 45 ways of solving, allowing the player to freely explore each puzzle ✨ The use of the device’s accelerometer to solve puzzles ✨ 12 keys scattered across the game and that can unlock the books in different orders ✨ 2 boss fights ✨ 2 playable characters: Timo + mystery character.
Timo The Game游戏截图

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