the game aims at boosting the players' mental abilities . the players must stay alert and focussed in order to make the night choises to win . Game designer :...
the game aims at boosting the players' mental abilities . the players must stay alert and focussed in order to make the night choises to win . Game designer : gamepoot Games rules : 1- the game board contains 25 squares .each square has 4 sides and a number in it . 2- the player can choose any square on the board and clicks on one of its sides. 3-the player who chose the square wins the number of points in it . 4-the tower scores 2 sides of the same square , the sides must be vertical or horizontal. the horse also scores 2 sides of the same square , but orthogonally . Tips : I recommand the horse and tower be played on squares with higher points.
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