߹ Are you a Color Mixer? ߹ How fast can you match a color? ߹ Well, let's find out! ⊕ Features - 3 Different Modes : RGB, CMYK, HSB - Learn How to Mix Color...
RGBit Color Mixing Game

߹ Are you a Color Mixer? ߹ How fast can you match a color? ߹ Well, let's find out! ⊕ Features - 3 Different Modes : RGB, CMYK, HSB - Learn How to Mix Colors : Built in Tutorials - Sleak UI design : Vibratant colors and design - Detailed Statistics : Check out your speed - Achievements : 22 Trophys to achieve - Score Board : Compete with Color Mixers around the world ⊕ Description RGBit is a perfect game for everyone who like colors and also designers and artists who deal with selecting colors to create images, drawings. You can train continuously to improve your skills with RGB, CMYK, HSB digital color spaces which are not quite intuitive for us humans who have been mixing colors with paint for the majority of our history. While drawing an Image, selecting colors always need a lot of effort to generate what you had in mind. Our tutorials and statistics feature will provide you where you are good and in what color space you are not. Mix it! RGB it! Anyone who has the color-mind will create the color-ful.
RGBit Color Mixing Game游戏截图

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