The gameplay is not new, this is a classic block match puzzle game just in a new cover that can challenge your brain and be quite addictive. Simply form a sing...
Pyramid Blocks Puzzle

The gameplay is not new, this is a classic block match puzzle game just in a new cover that can challenge your brain and be quite addictive. Simply form a single line of the same-colored triangles either vertically or horizontally to make them destroyed. Destroying more than one line at once will give you extra points and bonuses. Game control: Tap block to drag them to fill up the grids Blocks cannot be rotated Try to complete all in the row or column Game features: - Block match puzzle - Ideal for all ages - Play easily and quickly - No time limits - Easily saved progress - Soothing sounds and colorful visual effects You can challenge yourself by competing with your friends, getting high score and sharing it with the world.
Pyramid Blocks Puzzle游戏截图

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