Pixel Brothers is a game which is completely unique. This game has an unconventional gameplay coupled with different controls. The main objective of Pixel Broth...
Pxl Brtrs
Pixel Brothers is a game which is completely unique. This game has an unconventional gameplay coupled with different controls. The main objective of Pixel Brothers is to control a ring of two brothers as they travel through an endless maze full of obstacles. The brothers are both stationed on opposite sides of the ring, you can rotate the ring clockwise or anti clockwise by tapping on the right or left side of your screen respectively, this sets the ring in motion and thus the brothers. Therefore, dodging obstacles is not very easy as you must keep track of each of the two brothers’ positions and this feature adds an edge to the game. The controls seem difficult at first, but once you get a hang of them, the game gets easy and even more enjoyable. Your score in this game increases by one every time you successfully dodge an obstacle and before you know it, you will be coming back to the game for just one more try. Pixel Brothers has some great graphics and a good background score for an HTML5 game, the visuals are decent and engaging. Pixel Brothers is an addictive, enjoyable and well-made 2D scroller, which feels like a breath of fresh air in the endless games space. You should surely give this game a try because you may have never played this kind of a game before. Tip: Your movement of the brothers should be minimal, this helps to exercise better control on the ring and helps in both sides rotations.
Pxl Brtrs游戏截图
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