KLASICNA IGRA: U klasicnoj igri dobijate pitanje i imate 10 sekundi da odgovorite. Svaki tacan odgovor vam donosi 10 poena i tajmer se ponovo vraca na 10 sekun...
Kvz Ptjra

KLASICNA IGRA: U klasicnoj igri dobijate pitanje i imate 10 sekundi da odgovorite. Svaki tacan odgovor vam donosi 10 poena i tajmer se ponovo vraca na 10 sekundi. Ako pogrijesite mozete jednom pregledati reklamu da bi nastavili da igrate dok sledeci put igra se obustavlja. POTJERA (OFFLINE): Imate 60 sekundi da odgovorite tacno na sto vise pitanja, kao i u klasicnoj igri svaki tacan odgovor vam donosi 10 poena. Nakon toga borite se protiv tragaca. Imate opciju da zadrzite isti broj bodova i da budete dva mjesta ispred tragaca, ako odaberete da igrate za vise bodova od tragaca ce vas dijeliti samo jedno pitanje, takodje mozete izabrati manji broj bodova i bicete udaljeni od tragaca za tri mjesta. Svakim tacnim odgovorom pomjerate se jedno mjesto blize poslednjem pitanju i cilj je da pobjedite tragaca. U suprotnom gubite sve bodove. POTJERA ONLINE: Da bi igrali online potjeru potrebno vam je 40 tokena. U online modu jedan igrac kreira potjeru i salje KOD igre drugom igracu koji se pomocu njega pridruzuje igri. Isto kao u prethodnom modu, krecete sa 60 sekundi i pokusavate da osvojite sto vise bodova. Kada oba igraca zavrse prvi krug, onaj koji ima vise bodova postace tragac. Treci krug je jos uvijek u izradi, postoji mogucnost pojavljivanja gresaka u online igri. TOKENI: Da biste igrali online potjeru, svaki put vam je potrebno 40 tokena i njih mozete zaraditi na sledeci nacin. Svaki dan dobijate 80 tokena, a pored toga svaki put kada oborite svoj rekord u nekoj OFFLINE igri dobijate 20 poena. Ako igrate klasicni mod na svakih 100 poena osvajate 10 tokena. U online modu ako ste tragac i uhvatite igraca dobijate 30 tokena, a ako ne uspijete dobicete 10 tokena. Igrac dobija 15 tokena samo u slucaju ako uspije pobjeci tragacu. 100-199 bodova = 10 tokena 200-299 bodova = 20 tokena ...... CLASSIC GAME: In the classic game you get a question and you have 10 seconds to answer. Each correct answer brings you 10 points and the timer returns to 10 seconds. If you make a mistake, you can once preview the ad to continue playing until the next game stops. TOTAL (OFFLINE): You have 60 seconds to answer exactly as many questions as in the classic game, each correct answer brings you 10 points. After that, fight the seekers. You have the option to keep the same number of points and to be two places in front of the search engines, if you choose to play for multiple points of the tracker, only one question will be shared, you can also choose a smaller number of points and you will be away from the searchers for three places. Each accurate answer moves one place closer to the last question and the goal is to win the tracker. Otherwise, lose all points. ONLINE POTTERS: To play online pursuit you need 40 tokens. In online mode, a player creates a run and sends the KOD game to another player who joins him with the game. Just like in the previous mode, you'll move from 60 seconds and try to score as many points as possible. When both players complete the first round, the one with more points will become a trace. The third round is still under construction, there is the possibility of occurrence of errors in the online game. TOKEN: To play online pursuit, each time you need 40 tokens and you can earn them in the following way. Every day you get 80 tokens, and besides that each time you break your record in an OFFLINE game you get 20 points. If you play the classic mode for every 100 points, you win 10 tokens. In online mode, if you are a tracker and catch a player, you get 30 tokens, and if you fail to get 10 tokens. The player gets 15 tokens only if he succeeds in escaping the tracker. 100-199 points = 10 tokens 200-299 points = 20 tokens ......
Kvz Ptjra游戏截图

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