*** Klaverjassen is a true Dutch classic game for the card game enthusiast in you *** Play Klaverjassen Offline no matter of your skill level - practicing agai...
Klaverjassen Offline Single Player Card Game

*** Klaverjassen is a true Dutch classic game for the card game enthusiast in you *** Play Klaverjassen Offline no matter of your skill level - practicing against our high quality AI bots will get you to the top in no time! It is the perfect single-player card game to play on the go! Play Klaverjassen free and start improving as a player while having the time of your life! Discover the most challenging card game in the world now! What makes Klaverjassen Offline so fun: ★ Offline Klaverjassen trainer against AI opponents ★ Improve your skills as a Klaverjassen player ★ Play without any pressure ★ Earn a lot of chips and rewards ★ Amsterdam and Rotterdam ruleset ★ Special rooms for you and your favorite ruleset ★ Entertaining gameplay for countless hours ★ Pixel perfect HD graphics ★ Optimized game design Klaverjas Offline is a great fit for every type of player - amateur or professional. This offline card game may lack the social elements of some other games, but it is the perfect way to get you up to speed with the game of Klaverjassen. Having in mind the difficulty of Klaverjassen, you will forget about your boredom in no time. Not only are you going to have fun, but you will also be training your mind, attention and decision-making skills! The free Klaverjassen Card game consists of several rounds where you and your teammate have to score as many points a possible. At the beginning of every round a player chooses a trump suit, this suit is the most valuable. At the end of every round points will be counted and added to the total. The team that has 501 points first wins. The score cap differs depending on the level, the higher the level the higher the profits! If it seems like you are having difficulties grasping the core gameplay, you can always read about the klaverjassen rules. Be persistent, do not give up and eventually, you will be ready to make the jump and play against real players in online Klaverjas! ★ Klaverjassen around the world ★ Klaverjasssen is popular under different names with often (slightly) different rules all around the world, take for example Belote in France, Tarabish in Canada, and Baloot, Klaberjass, Pilotta, Jass and Twenty-eight (28 card game) in other countries. If you want to play this traditional card game the true Dutch way with offline single player support, then this is the perfect download for you! Furthermore enjoy the authentic card deck design according to the Dutch standard with the Hearts, Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds symbols backed with the famous Dutch (tourist) sites such as Amsterdam Rijksmuseum, Koninklijk Paleis, Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Sneek Waterpoort, Rotterdam Stadhuis, Roermond Munsterkerk, Maastricht Servatiuskerk, and Muiderslot, all in their traditional glory. ★ Join the most exciting Klaverjas community today! ★
Klaverjassen Offline Single Player Card Game游戏截图

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