English Genre: Hyper Casual; First is a game where your objective is to challenge your flexos, anticipation to obstacles and to make your player surpass every...
English Genre: Hyper Casual; First is a game where your objective is to challenge your flexos, anticipation to obstacles and to make your player surpass every game. First is a simple command game for any type of player to be able to play from, the most experienced to the most inexperienced playing with just a touch of the screen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Português / Brasil Gênero: Hyper Casual; First é um jogo onde seu objetivo é desafiar seus flexos, antecipação a obstaculos e fazer seu jogador se superar a cada partida. First é um jogo de comando simples para qualquer tipo de jogador poder jogar desde, o mais experiente ao mais inexperiente se jogando com apenas um toque na tela. English Genre: Hyper Casual; First is a game where your objective is to challenge your flexos, anticipation to obstacles and to make your player surpass every game. First is a simple command game for any type of player to be able to play from, the most experienced to the most inexperienced playing with just a touch of the screen. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Portuguese - Brazil Genre: Hyper Casual; First is a game where your objective is to challenge your flexos, anticipation to obstacles and to make your player surpass every game. First is a simple command game for any type of player to be able to play from, the most experienced to the most inexperienced playing with just a touch of the screen.
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