Fanagramz is an anagram game where you have to solve as many anagrams as you can before the time runs out. You start the game with 180 seconds (3 minutes) on th...

Fanagramz is an anagram game where you have to solve as many anagrams as you can before the time runs out. You start the game with 180 seconds (3 minutes) on the timer and you have 5 hints available. Words of 3,4,5,6 and 7 letters are used in this game. Each time you solve an anagram the timer will be stopped until the next anagram is presented, after you have pressed the continue button. The timer will then resume from where it was at when you solved the last anagram. Press the hint button to be given a hint. Only one hint per anagram is available. When all hints have been used the button will be greyed out. For every 10th anagram you solve, 60 bonus seconds will be added to the timer, and another 5 hints will be given. If you solve an anagram and the timer is showing 5 or less seconds, the timer will be reset to 10 seconds when the next anagram is presented. This is to give you a chance so solve the next anagram - albeit a slim chance. All words in this game are in UK English. The game is free, supported with adverts.

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